Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Like Bananas!

We used to sing a children's chorus which said, "I like bananas, I know that mangoes are sweet. I like papayas, but nothing can beat the sweet love of God." Now I eat bananas, papayas and mangos almost daily. The bananas in this photo are from our back yard. In the photo you only see about 1/3 of the bunch that came off of just one tree! We have plenty of bananas to satisfy our yens and the appetites of our neighbors and friends to boot!
Every Friday, at least as often as I can, I visit my friends at our local small nursing home called Albernia. At least two of the 16 residents, and maybe only those two, are Christians. The one pictured here is Don Edgar. I've been reading the Bible with Edgar each week. Sometimes Don Carlos joins us.