Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Against Your Puling Will

No, I did not misspell that. It is PULING. What does that mean? I had to look it up, and, I hate to say, I love what it means: whining, whimpering.

I'm good at whining and whimpering. I wish I WEREN'T, but I AM.

But, I came across yet more "bathroom gossip" that blew me away. (Excuse that phrase!) I'm reading a book of sermons by AJ Gossip. What a name! What a preacher!

What all can I tell you? There is so much to say!

First off, did you know that MichelAngelo's incredible creation painting of the two fingers touching includes a "shrinking, cowering figure, covering its head and in a passion of weeping."


"For if the story of mankind has been a glorious epic, through what toil and suffering and agony it has won its slow, desperate, upward way. That is what followed the touch of God's finger. And if He touches you??..."

In other words, part of creation is man working through difficulty. That is part of glorifying God. Oh, that I may do that today!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Yes, With My God - Two Nights in a Row!

God brought me wonderfully through another night. I'm sure it's not a night you would have enjoyed. For that reason, I will spare you the details. BUT, my night nurse/friend Ara was a wonderful help to me again. One miracle - NO PAIN!! Now, that's something I can't claim at the moment. I feel like a piece of angle iron accidentally got stuck in my gluteus maximus. But, that's all part of Tarlov Cyst Disease. Not fun, but with God's grace and a bit of slow release morphine, it's do-able!

Today I heard a saying I just love! "Whatever you do today, let it be enough."

Now, that's a great saying for one who just had her toenails painted by her friend Rachel and then took a nap!

I HAVE done a few more things. But, I'll close by saying,
"Be exalted in Your own strength!
We will sing and praise Your might! Psalm 21:13

"O God, may I rejoice always,
Pray without ceasing
And give thanks in all circumstances." 1 Thes. 5:16-18

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Strong and Courageous Two Nights in a Row?

Last night had to be one of THE worst! You don't want to know about it. Let me assure you. It did not involve much sleep, though God allowed precious gifts of that once in a while. The thought of “ER” occurred to me many times. But, we “gutted it out” and called the doc at the end of the miserable night. Things have calmed down, and I THANK GOD for that!!!

My verses of assurance today are,

"Hear, O Lord, and have pity on my! O Lord, be my helper!"

"Make music to praise the Lord, you faithful people who belong to Him. Remember His holiness by giving thanks."

"Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS! Don't be afraid or discouraged. For there is a power far greater on our side!" 2 Chron 32:3

Oh, for a night better than LAST night. I think God has made me strong and courageous, but not enough for two nights like that in a row!

HEY! Email me the names of some of the most influential books in your life in the past 20 years. I would love to check them out.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blogging my Way Through the Cysts

Some of you know "Cysts Happen," which is my new phrase. If you do not know the gist of what I'm going through, please look at http://www.tarlovcystfoundation.org/TarlovCystInformation.asp

I NEVER can write long. I have pain and weakness. If I take a long nap, I can work for maybe 15 minutes.

Here's my thought for today - something I'm holding as precious day by day. It's from a sermon - an old, old one called "How to Face Life with Steady Eyes" by AJ Gossip

"I haven't much to leave you,' he said with a smile: 'but, there is one thing I can give no one else can, something that will keep you always steady, that lift you clean above anxiety and worry- better than that, that will make you a rallying-point at which others which had grown frightened and lost heart, suddenly sure of God again, and themselves bigger and better and braver because they have chanced on you will turn and face, with stout hearts, what had beaten them, and win.'

'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give onto you' The very strength of my own soul, the very calm of my own spirit, the very secret that has kept me steadfast among all my difficulties and temptations. I have done it because I have always known that I am not alone, but that the father is with me. And you too can count with confidence on this, that whatever befalls you, you will find him very near, that he will never forget and never fail but will always be there where you have need of him. And being sure of this you can go on to face valiantly.