Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blogging my Way Through the Cysts

Some of you know "Cysts Happen," which is my new phrase. If you do not know the gist of what I'm going through, please look at

I NEVER can write long. I have pain and weakness. If I take a long nap, I can work for maybe 15 minutes.

Here's my thought for today - something I'm holding as precious day by day. It's from a sermon - an old, old one called "How to Face Life with Steady Eyes" by AJ Gossip

"I haven't much to leave you,' he said with a smile: 'but, there is one thing I can give no one else can, something that will keep you always steady, that lift you clean above anxiety and worry- better than that, that will make you a rallying-point at which others which had grown frightened and lost heart, suddenly sure of God again, and themselves bigger and better and braver because they have chanced on you will turn and face, with stout hearts, what had beaten them, and win.'

'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give onto you' The very strength of my own soul, the very calm of my own spirit, the very secret that has kept me steadfast among all my difficulties and temptations. I have done it because I have always known that I am not alone, but that the father is with me. And you too can count with confidence on this, that whatever befalls you, you will find him very near, that he will never forget and never fail but will always be there where you have need of him. And being sure of this you can go on to face valiantly.

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