Monday, January 31, 2011

God's Whispers

This morning as Woody and I participated in the Youth World Annual Conference we watched a DVD with Bill Hybels speaking about leadership. His message challenged us to hear and respond to the whispers of God.

At times I don't think we expect God to speak to us. We need to change those expectations, adjust our antennae, and do all in our power to hear and to heed His voice. Our smartest moves come from promptings from the Spirit, not from our own wisdom.

Over the past year I've seen God work through nudging me. Among the whispers I've heard: "Buckle up!" "Just pray." "Listen well." "Be quiet for at least a minute." "Love her well." "Write a note to them." God's recent whispering to Woody included: "Make sure what others get from you comes from the Word and lifts up Jesus." (Funny how God seems to speak to Woody in longer phrases!))

Think about ways God has been whispering to you. Take a moment to write and tell me your story.