Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thoughts on Pain and Suffering

I'm still going through it. Those are my thoughts!

Here are some deeper thoughts from Don Simpson.

"Pain has an uncanny way of telling us who we are, of holding up a mirror to show us our deepest fears, our doubts, our failures of will - even our atheism. But it also shows us our courage, love, endurance, and trust in God."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

You Call THIS Adventure?

The past 5 1/2 months of my life could be looked at in many ways. But, to call it ADVENTURE? That sounds crazy!

However, as God often does, He spoke to me through two completely different sources within 24 hours to change my perspective. First, from my recent literary hero, AJ Gossip, I read his sermon entitled, "The Romance of Religion." He tells of how the world calls us to live like a "lumpish and bucolic creature in some sleepy hollow where nothing ever happens, and the people seem half dead, torpid as flies in winter, and one just exists." If you could tear out a page of this person's journal, it would include getting up, eating breakfast, passing time at work, and getting home to eat and watch TV and go to bed.

That's not the life I'm called to! Even when half the time I've been in bed and felt as bad as a frog caught in the blazing sun. As I have struggled through one day after another, I've not just been pottering about with aimless nothings. I've been wrestling with spiritual powers. We're not called to an empty life on earth, but to an active role in the unseen world.

In my study on the life of John today I read, "We trade in the pitifully small and potentially disastrous for the wildest ride mortal creatures can even know." (Beth Moore)

AJ Gossip puts it this way: "I have been racing desperately for the prize of my own soul, and I have won, though I am left breathless and tired and panting hard. I have been in the ring, fighting my lower nature. And once or twice it got me down, and mauled me badly; but I, too, have been battering it black and blue, and have scored heavily against it. Mine has been an exciting day."

I so far have walked a block and a half (the furthest in weeks!) this morning and had my prayer time and time in God's Word. It's been an exciting day already, and as I eat breakfast, share thoughts with Woody, sing a hymn with him, and go lie down to rest, I now know that today will be another exciting day.