Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reflections on First Day of Conference

I'm going to pause to share a few personal thoughts and prayers from March 8th.

WORSHIP: You are the true God, the God of all history and eternity, David's God, my God.

-Michele's example in note-taking. I'm starting to do that, too. It helps me capture so much more!
- Woody watching out for me. His great joy in seeing me laugh so much iin the Dead Sea. Also for the Ahava stuff we could buy for our girls.
- Time with You tonight.
- Able to complete the challenging En Gedi hike. Woohoo!
- Visualizing things better.

- Give me a fresh encounter with the risen Christ! A fresh love for Jesus and desire to learn of Him and through Him.
- Deepen my commitment to walk as he did, and give me vision for nurturing leaders and a willingness to step out in faith.

- The there might be true multiplication at the Latin America Multiplication Center
- Multiply our rest!

- Help Woody in the difficult role of being at the tail end of our tour group, trying to have people keep up.

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