Friday, December 18, 2009

While Chico Watched our Cars

While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the ground,
The angel of the Lord came down, and glory shone around.

Chico is one of my "unlikely disciples." One of my biggest joys lately has been slipping out to the street for a while on Sunday mornings to sit on a low brick wall with Chico, our church's car guard, and study the life of Christ with him. Chico is the first to admit, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. In fact last week he told me, "I know I don't catch on fast, but I feel like I am finally starting to understand more about who Jesus is and what God's purpose is for me!"

We shared the coolest insights together last week that had us both in tears. We were reading in the Bible together about yet another appearance of the angel of the Lord... this time to the shepherds out in their fields. We had just talked about how God sent His Son to be born in the most humble circumstances to a poor family. Now, I told Chico, God sent the big announcement through the appearance of the angelic hosts. And, to whom does He grant the privilege of being first to go see and worship the baby king? A bunch of shepherds! I explained to Chico that shepherds back then were sort of like car guards in today's world. People often overlook or look down on car guards. They aren't granted much prestige in society. But, God sent His angels to announce Jesus' birth to a group of car guards! I had Chico close His eyes and imagine what it would be like to have an angel appear and say, "Forget about the cars! I've got something way better for you. I've chosen YOU, Chico, to be the first to see the newborn Son of God, and to fall at His feet in worship. I'm not even going to tell the car owners about Him right now. It's most important that I tell YOU!

We gave pause for a few minutes as Chico eye's teared up with pride and joy, that God would choose someone like himself. Rarely has Chico been chosen for anything, let alone the biggest privilege in the history of the world.

We may count ourseles as important. But, I'm thankful that God chose the Chicos of the world. Humor me by singin my new version of "While Shepherds Watched." (I particularly like my Texas angel! Maybe angels speak Texan, and that's why some people have to stop and ponder what they meant!)

While Chico watched
Our cars by night
Seated on the low brick wall
The angel of the Lord declared
"Have no fear, God's with y'all.
The Lord is with y'all."

Don Chico thought,
"Must be a dream.
I'm just a common man."
He was reassured right then and there,
"God chose you in HIs plan,
God Chose you in His plan."

"See, long ago
man chose to sin,
But the Father sent His Son,
As a Baby King in a cattle barn,
This is His Chosen One,
It's His Own Chosen One."

"And to you we sing
This great good news,
That the whole world soon will know,
But for now, Chico, you are the one
To seek Him, off you go!
Search, Chico, off you go!"

"So, Chico, take up your guard stick,
And walk straight out of town,
Don't fear this one great chance you take
And at His feet fall down.
And at His feet fall down."

"I am just a humble car guard, Lord,
Living here in San Jose,
But I cry with joy and here I go,
Grateful You chose me today,
That You chose me today."

Just imagine humble Don Chico
Kneeling at the Savior's feet
While the people look for their nice cars,
Chico's wealth cannot be beat,
His wealth cannot be beat!

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