Monday, March 08, 2010


I am stealing most of this blog entry from an article I was sent from the BBC, written by Jane O'Brien, called, "The Art of List-Making." She tells about a fascinating museum exhibit featuring lists made by famous people. I would love to see that! You see, I am quite a list-maker myself! Here's part of what she writes:

There are several stages to writing a list.

First there is the gentle thrill of anticipation as I contemplate the pristine paper in front of me. I may not yet have a subject for my list, but just the thought of one gives me a sense of purpose.

Second there is the light-headed buzz that gradually develops into bliss, euphoria and an all-consuming calm.

Third comes the extraordinary sense of satisfaction from having created a rigid timetable of impossible tasks that has taken a disproportionate amount of time and thought.

It doesn't matter that I will never look at it again.

Psychologists say that obsessive compulsive list makers (I guess that includes me) are trying to create an illusion of control in otherwise chaotic lives.

I see nothing wrong with that. In the words of the American abstract artist, Charles Green Shaw: "Real happiness consists in not what we actually accomplish, but what we think we accomplish."

If you want to see her full essay and also some of the photos of actual lists, including ones that are works of art, check this out:

I have a list waiting for me today. And writing a blog entry wasn't on it.

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