Thursday, April 07, 2011

When Things Get Bad...

When things get bad, they might get worse!

That was the encouraging message I heard preached at our church last Sunday.

Look at the story of Jairus in Luke 8:40-56. Jairus came to Jesus on one of His busier days (we aren’t the only busy ones!), pleading, probably crying, humiliating himself - a prominent synagogue leader - in front of everyone. His only daughter was dying. His only hope was Jesus.

But, what happens at just that moment? Someone else barges in front of him! (Don’t you just hate it when that happens?!?) All attention turns to the woman with chronic bleeding who touched Jesus’ garment. Jairus’ situation looked bleak, but it was about to turn “bleaker.” Just then someone from Jairus’ household shows up to say, “Don’t bother the Master any longer. It’s too late. She’s dead.”

How can a heart that is at rock bottom manage to sink further? Well, Jairus’ did. That was it. All hope was gone.

But, Jesus overheard! He hadn’t forgotten the man’s pleas. He turned to Jairus with the words, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Now, how in the world could Jairus take heart from those words of the Master? Yet, not only was Jairus called upon to do just that, but we, also, are called on to do the same! When our situation goes from bad to worse to even worse yet, He says to us, “I have not forgotten you. Step aside. I am big enough to handle this. Despair, disease, and death are all under My control. Don’t fear. Only believe.”

My goodness, but Jairus was called on to believe!! Believe when his daughter was already obviously dead? Believe when all his neighbors and family laughed at him? But, Jesus knew what He was doing. He had the impossible covered.

He has your impossible covered.

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