Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An Angel Named Jeff Andy

Written on May 12th...

Yesterday I ran into at least four angels. One was named Jeff Andy.

Isn’t that an interesting name for an angel?

As I stepped on the shuttle bus to go rent a car at the Dallas airport, the driver commented to me, “I’m a spiritual man.”

I was the first one on the bus, but as we made that short trip, Jeff Andy and I made friends and discovered that we were in the same spiritual family. The whole drive, even as the bus filled, the conversation everyone overheard was centered on our love of God. When he let me off, he said, “I’m not supposed to do this, but I cannot let you haul that luggage in to the center. I’ll take it for you. AND, can I pray for you?”

He was not looking for a tip. He was looking above.

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