Monday, December 05, 2005

Thoughts on Healing

Last week was a tough week for me in the area of health issues. I’ll be brief about the problems. (If you want to know more, just write and ask.) I’ve recently had an endoscopy as well as an esophogram. I also had to have needle biopsies on both breasts – five needle sticks with no anesthesia! Now I am facing two more tests on my esophagus because it has been so irritated that it has been hard to eat or sleep.

This morning I read the story of Jesus healing the leper in Luke 5. The leper approached Jesus with absolute belief.

“You can make me clean.”

He had no doubt Jesus could heal him. He just didn’t know if Jesus would heal him.

The leper also approached Jesus by saying, “Lord, if You are willing…”

He seemed to be saying, “If You, in Your wisdom and plan, see purpose in it, please do it.”

Beth Moore comments, “Although I don’t pretend to understand how or why, some illnesses may serve more eternal purpose than healing, while other healings serve more purpose than illness.”

I feel for Christians who are chronically ill. You would not believe all the solutions I’ve been offered – from the reasonable to the wacky! Others think they know exactly what I’m experiencing, but when they proceed to explain their own symptoms, I realize they don’t understand at all. But it does little good to point that out.

Others bring into question my faith, my walk with God, or my beliefs. Many have challenged me, saying I simply have not accepted the healing God already has for me.

There have been many times people have prayed and fasted and laid hands on me. We have all believed at times that I would be healed. But, it simply hasn’t happened yet.

I try to accept people’s suggestions, commiserations, and criticisms in a spirit of love. I’ve decided for now, not to seek healing. Instead, I will seek Him. If He reveals Himself through healing, I will praise Him. If He reveals Himself through suffering, I will choose to praise Him.

My faith is not perfect. My trust is not complete. My understanding is inadequate.

But I, along with the leper, truly believe that if He sees in His wise plan that there is a greater purpose to heal me, I will be the first in line for that touch! But, above all, I trust who He is, even when I have no idea of what He’s doing.

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