Sunday, December 17, 2006

Put Your Feet Up!

Well, put your foot up, might be a better title! Here are details of my recent foot surgery for those who are interested...

Some of you know that the last time I had an endoscopy, I started my own IV. Well, I decided to do it again! So, Woody was my assistant once again, and we got it started on the first poke! Yeah! I decided to give it a try again since my veins virtually disappear when I am cold or nervous.

Woody drove me to the hospital by 6AM so that we could sign papers and have me ready for surgery by 7. The doctors were pretty impressed with the IV. The doctors – surgeon, family MD, and anesthesiologist – all seemed very good, and we were pleased. I was in surgery for about an hour. They dissected the two nerves in the area, which looked normal. So, they decided to investigate a bit deeper and found a small mass close to the nerve and bone (4mm diameter). They weren’t sure if it was a “foreign body” or nerve tissue or some other type of small mass. They removed it and sent it to pathology. (No report as of yet.) They feel quite certain the surgery will correct my foot pain.

I’ve already been able to put a bit of weight on my heel or the side of my foot. For two days I will mostly be lying down with my foot up.

When we returned home after a long day at the hospital and a slow drive home through Christmas traffic jams, Brian and Stephanie had fixed us a lovely trout dinner. Our team riends had left a beautiful fresh flower bouquet, graced by a really nice card.

Woody has been my ANGEL during all of this! What would I do without him!?!?

Thanks for your prayers. Continue to pray for me during this recovery… that the surgery might truly correct the problem; for grace for Woody and me as I am so dependent on him; for relative freedom from pain; for the ability to rest.

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