Thursday, January 04, 2007

What a Way to Start 2007!

We had a wonderful New Year's Eve service at our church, Iglesia Principe de Paz. As people filed in, we handed out multi-colored slips that read, "List 10 reasons you are thankful." Luis Diego, now the new director of I.T. Costa Rica, led us in music of thanksgiving as the seats began to fill.

Rather than having traditional "church," we now pulled out an "IPP BINGO" sheet. "Tico Bingo" is a big thing at this time of year. It is a lottery that benefits the Red Cross. So, the artwork on our Bingo sheets mimicked the Tico Bingo slogan. In IPP BINGO, however, all are winners. Everyone had to fill their nine squares with a thanksgiving, a goal for 2007, and a signature of different individuals in the church. The group was very animated as they got to know one another better, focusing on gratefulness to God.

After more wonderful singing, the pastor spoke on all the things we forget to be thankful for. He concluded his message by quoting Revelation 7:12. "Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!"

We then shared in a very precious time of the Lord's Supper.

As we drew near to the conclusion of a beautiful morning, the people filed to the front to deposit their multi-colored slips of gratitude, along with their offering, in a large, clear glass bowl. As they deposited their offerings of praise, each had the option of drawing a Scripture slip. We had made up about 25 slips of paraphrased Scriptures that focus on gratitude. Each person that drew a slip and read their portion aloud into the microphone. People were so eager to participate that I quickly ran out of slips. Some people spontaneously shared their thanks by quoting memorized verses.

We all joined hands in a large circle and read in unison the passage from Revelation that was on a PowerPoint slide. You should have heard the enthusiasm as we thought about preparing for the day we would all stand before the Lamb: "Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!"
Still in a circle, the pastor led us in a prayer of commitment for the coming year. He then told us no one could leave without personally greeting and blessing each person in the crowd... about 80 of us! There was such a warm spirit that people stayed for about another half hour, hugging and blessing one another.

What a way to start 2007!

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