HEAD: I am trying to use it today! I have a lot to do to prepare for the Thanksgiving Bash. I was awake quite a bit last night and started thinking about how one of Kari’s goals in coming back to Costa Rica was to help lighten our load more. So, I started listing all I have to do and all that she can help me with. I’m so excited that today she readily signed on to help! Here’s a list of some of the things I’m recruiting her for either today or over the next few days:
1. Revise and print Thanksgiving menu; look over and organize needed recipes and figure out what we still need to buy/do
2. Help me come up with a “program” for Thursday so I know what we are doing and have bases covered
3. Talk to Tulio about bouquets and come up with vases
4. Find decorations: crayons, shawl, bittersweet, pumpkin bowls
5. Organize serving dishes and cooking stuff we will need
6. Call David Obando about the words for the Thanksgiving Day songs and make a document for those and maybe one for writing up a thanksgiving prayer to God (one for each person – pretty with clipart – maybe like a place card)
7. Help me with stamps on newsletters
8. Errands in SI: PO, bookstore for Thanksgiving tablecloth paper, etc
9. Maybe fix Arroz con Pollo with me???
10. Help organize devo photos and pages for Grandkid Devo
11. Organize Allmamirecipes.com
12. Work on calendar and “to-do” list for Alpine and ARC’S short-term teams
SHOULDERS: I think the above would take a lot of load off my shoulders. Regarding Woody’s shoulders: he just left to meet with Eric Gustafson over breakfast. They plan to meet regularly in order to be more proactive about financial issues for the LAMC.
HIP: Yesterday I saw Dr. Manley for my left hip. Just as Dr. Longworth thought by my pain description to him by phone, it is bursitis – tronchanter bursitis, to be exact. It probably was caused by favoring my right knee (infection) as well as my right foot (neuroma). I had to have two shots. The first was deep, guided by ultrasound. It was a mixture of cortisone and a local anesthetic. Double ouch! It hurt a lot. But, within minutes the anesthetic helped the pain. He also injected separately an anti-inflammatory, since my stomach can’t handle the oral version. Woody may have to give me shots every day for three more days. (You can do it, Woody!)
TOES: See photo. Don’t look too closely at the toes themselves, please. Just enjoy the “Pedal Christmas Spirit.”
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