Thursday, September 01, 2011

Drab, Dull, Empty vs. Gleaming

What does it mean to be a true disciple? We talk and teach about this ALL the time. We choose to do that because JESUS did it!

Jesus seemed unable to keep out of other people's troubles. He grew tired carrying strangers' business. He was thankful to talk to people we would have thought rather impertinent.

My new favorite, AJ Gossip, wrote, "We know that that is life, real life, life as it should be lived. An yet we are not imitating it, not much, not closely, not where it would pinch. We can't be bothered; the cost is too heavy; always we keep slipping back into that old stupid fallacy that it is our life and, of course, intended primarily to be spent upon ourselves, and that those other people are a nuisance and an intrusion."

Browning would have called this life one that is drab and dull and empty business.

On the other hand, he DID say, "Only here or there will your eyes light on something that gleams out."

Oh, my! Which side of the discipleship fence do you sit on? And I? Drab, dull and empty vs. gleaming. Let's take a moment to think.

COS (Is that how you say "change of subject" nowadays?) I'm learning more about Tarlov cysts. I'll give you a fact a day.

TARLOV CYST FACT OF THE DAY: These several cysts I have in my sacrum hav probably eroded away more than ONE SQUARE INCH of my sacral report.

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