Friday, November 05, 2010

Yesterday Jesus Died for Me

In follow-up to what I wrote below, "When Were You Last Moved to Tears?" I want to tell you that yesterday Jesus died for me.

I've had several more special moments alone with Jesus since I last wrote. For instance, on Tuesday I flew alone to Dallas for medical reasons. It's a pretty scary time for me - not knowing what they will do to me or say or recommend. So, I was fervently praying on my trip. I didn't have a book in particular to distract me on the four hour flight, so I paged through my daily agenda notebook, crossing through anything that could be tossed and circling important things to remember. Though it is not my journal, it is peppered with thoughts from God's Word. As I circled those thoughts and passages that have spoken to me in the past weeks, I felt almost as if Jesus were in the vacant seat next to me.

When I arrived in Dallas, I got a Facebook note from my brother, Vito, which said, "Hey, sis! I've asked God to reserve a seat for Jesus beside you on all your flights. Gotcha covered!" God did just that!

On Wednesday I got to wondering why God's timing would have me reading about my Lord being crucified on the very day I would be going to the specialist and having testing done. I also wondered to myself, "If I was crying just thinking about this coming up, what will I do when I read the crucifixion accounts themselves?"

Early yesterday morning I began to read. I was deeply impacted by Jesus' suffering and His compassion in the midst of it. I did shed a few tears, but the meaning and the timing came clear to me throughout the course of the day. I sensed clearly that Jesus died for ME yesterday. That's why He was hanging on the cross on Thursday, November 4th. In the little bit of suffering I went through yesterday, I was only reminded of the suffering He did as He lovingly looked on me and died for my sins.

Oh, what a Savior I have!

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