Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Airline Reservation Mix-Up

I am so happy to be home after two weeks in the USA which included having surgery! The trip seemed terribly long, made all the longer by the other two sitting in my aisle. One of them was a LOUD Canadian man who lives in "Caasta Rica" and was delighted to boast of all he knew about "Caasta Rica" to my seatmate. Supposedly he spoke fluent Spanish. I was so tempted to at least teach him how to pronounce the name of the country where he lives! I could not even drown him out with my iPod and headphones! The music would be blasting my ear drums and I'd still be hearing things like, "Every day on the coast it gets to 115 degrees." (I have never known it to hit 100 at the beach!) My head started to ache half way through the flight and by the if that was because they, too, were irritated with his brashness, or if they thought I was terrified of landing and was saying my prayers. Anyway, I had to laugh because on my flight up to Dallas, my brother "reserved a seat for Jesus beside me." THIS time, I think American Airlines got those reservations mixed up!

God did give me strength equal to the task yesterday. I had good skycaps and wheelchair assistance and it was a breeze to get through check-in, security, immigration, and customs.

Woody and Kari were a wonderful sight to me as I rolled out in a wheelchair! It is so great to be back home and with Woody. Kari and Woody had the house fixed up so beautifully. The campus gardener, Tulio, had picked and arranged flowers for me. Donald had made a frame with Woody to mount my large Bolivian tapestry in our stairwell and it looks AWESOME! And I actually slept all night - something I haven't done in over a year!

I am feeling weak, tired, and uncomfortable. I decided today that my goal will be to become less of a wimp every day - starting tomorrow! Thanks, Vito, for telling me that God loves wimps! I took a very slow, short walk today with my wonderful Celestial companion and taught her a new command: "Heel!" She's not used to walking so slowly. She sure is happy to have me back, though! She is so tender and loving and is amazingly cuddly for a beast of 115 pounds of pure bone and muscle. By the way, it is always amazing to return to the beauty here. We live in the most incredibly gorgeous spot in the world!

Thanks to each and every one of you who have been praying for me (and Woody!) during the past two weeks. We covet your continued prayers. I have to say I have felt very loved and cared for during these difficult days. We have some more difficult days ahead, so don't let up on praying!

1 comment:

Kathy Baxter said...

Hi Su, so glad to hear that you are home. It sounds like quite the ordeal you've been through. It must have been hard to go through so much w/o having Woody there. We are praying for you and for your recovery. Lots of love from both of us.