Sunday, November 13, 2011

No Need to Withdraw from Battle

Here's another great quote from AJ Gossip:

"There is no need, says Christ, to withdraw out of the battle. For in the very thick and heart and press of it, with life flinging against you all it can, troubled, tried, tempted, you can have peace in your soul and valour in your spirit, and if you know Me, and have seen the God of whom I tell, and live in sight of Him, these things are certain to be yours. And indeed, bold though it be, is not Christ's attitude toward life the only reasonable one?"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thoughts on Pain and Suffering

I'm still going through it. Those are my thoughts!

Here are some deeper thoughts from Don Simpson.

"Pain has an uncanny way of telling us who we are, of holding up a mirror to show us our deepest fears, our doubts, our failures of will - even our atheism. But it also shows us our courage, love, endurance, and trust in God."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

You Call THIS Adventure?

The past 5 1/2 months of my life could be looked at in many ways. But, to call it ADVENTURE? That sounds crazy!

However, as God often does, He spoke to me through two completely different sources within 24 hours to change my perspective. First, from my recent literary hero, AJ Gossip, I read his sermon entitled, "The Romance of Religion." He tells of how the world calls us to live like a "lumpish and bucolic creature in some sleepy hollow where nothing ever happens, and the people seem half dead, torpid as flies in winter, and one just exists." If you could tear out a page of this person's journal, it would include getting up, eating breakfast, passing time at work, and getting home to eat and watch TV and go to bed.

That's not the life I'm called to! Even when half the time I've been in bed and felt as bad as a frog caught in the blazing sun. As I have struggled through one day after another, I've not just been pottering about with aimless nothings. I've been wrestling with spiritual powers. We're not called to an empty life on earth, but to an active role in the unseen world.

In my study on the life of John today I read, "We trade in the pitifully small and potentially disastrous for the wildest ride mortal creatures can even know." (Beth Moore)

AJ Gossip puts it this way: "I have been racing desperately for the prize of my own soul, and I have won, though I am left breathless and tired and panting hard. I have been in the ring, fighting my lower nature. And once or twice it got me down, and mauled me badly; but I, too, have been battering it black and blue, and have scored heavily against it. Mine has been an exciting day."

I so far have walked a block and a half (the furthest in weeks!) this morning and had my prayer time and time in God's Word. It's been an exciting day already, and as I eat breakfast, share thoughts with Woody, sing a hymn with him, and go lie down to rest, I now know that today will be another exciting day.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stand Staring Dumb

"It is those who have made some progress in the art of living life and in knowledge of God who stand staring dumb with wonder at the splendour of Christ. It is indeed an ill sign that we can take Him so lightly, you and I." AJ Gossip

Though I simply don't feel well today... weak, in pain, and just not WELL, I trust I don't have the ILL sign of taking Him lightly today.

I'm not taking Him lightly.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shackleton and Susan

I definitely don't fit into the same category as Shackleton, but today I was reminded of his group's slow, struggle, trying to cross Antarctica, "chilled to the very soul, with heads bowed low against the icy blizzards, with weak and stumbling feet, and half dead with fatigue." - A.J. Gossip

Though they never reached their goal, I loved being reminded of how the group said "Some One else was there more than they could see." As I continue to take one step forward, and two back or vice versa right now, I know that I, too, have "Some ONE else there more than I can see." Thank God for that!!

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Eeyore and Me

When I was a small girl (and even not so small), I was very fond of a stuffed Winnie-the-Pooh. We were pretty inseparable. I even carried Pooh over my shoulder everywhere I went at Trout Lake Camp in northern Minnesota for a couple of summer camps.

Pooh is just impossible not to love.

On the other hand, Eeyore is a tough one to love. He is always in a bad mood. His favorite expression is "Oh, bother!"

Recently, I was given a stuffed Eeyore, and the two of us have become inseparable. Perhaps I have reverted to my childhood. Perhaps I have begun to identify with poor Eeyore more. There's a great story about him in The World of Pooh which reflects my recent muddled thinking and my confusing answers to the question, "How are you?"

"The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about. So when Winnie-the-Pooh came stumping along, Eeyore was very glad to be able to stop thinking for a little, in order to say, "How do you do" in a gloomy manner to him.

"And how are you? said Winnie-the-Pooh.

Eeyore shook his head from side to side.

"Not very how," he said. "I don't seem to have felt at all how for a long time."

Well, neither have I, Susan, felt very "how for a long time," but at least I've got a good friend to stick by my side.

I have to share with you a generous paraphrase of the Bible that I received this week while I was in the midst of "enema struggles."

Psalm 110:1 “The doctor said to my doctor, sit right there on the pot until I make your enemas your footstool.”

Sorry, no deeper thoughts than that today. I'm in need of another nap. "Oh, bother!"

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A Message for Gray Days

One can't much complain of gray days in Costa Rica. Today could be called one, but the brilliant green surrounding me everywhere makes up for the minimal gray sky.

Yet, days can be gray. My days are not brilliant. But, I refuse to have them be gray.

For one, I've napped half the day. How much do you envy me THAT?!?

For another, I got to attend (albeit 10 minutes) the farewell for dear Tico friends leaving to join a team in Venezuela involved in training, investing in, and raising up youth leaders in that country. I have especially enjoyed a precious friendship with Adriana, so saying farewell to her was not easy, yet at the same time a joy.

Another bright spot are moments alone with my Lord. I cannot boast of praying a lot. Who can?

Here's something I read today:

The men who have most fully illustrated Christ in their character, and have most powerfully affected the world for him, have been men who spent so much time with God as to make it a notable feature of their lives. Charles Simeon devoted the hours from four till eight in the morning to God. Mr. Wesley spent two hours daily in prayer. He began at four in the morning. Of him, one who knew him well wrote: "He thought prayer to be more his business than anything else, and I have seen him come out of his closet with a serenity of face next to shining."

Luther said, "If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day. I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer."

Some sleepless nights I get close to two hours of prayer, but it's pretty "dozey prayer!"

Today I was reading another AJ Gossip sermon entitled, "A Message for Gray Days." My motto adopted from the reading:

May I infect those around me with an unconcerned and quiet faith, a faith that never dreams of doubting Him!

Glorify Him with me today if you are having a "Gray Day!"

Sunday, September 04, 2011

ABC's of Recent Experiences in my Life

AJ Gossip - Oh, how much I have learned from his sermons in times of painful crisis!
Beckham Barking - Real life goes on and the neighbor's dog still awakes us at night
Chocolate Milk - It's so good in Costa Rica, isn't it Chris? Come down and try it sometime, everyone! Since I choke on water here and lately it tastes like cigarette butts thrown in a Coke can, I've been drinking a lot of chocolate milk. (I wouldn't know butts in a Coke can, but that sounds pretty awful!)
Dysfunction of all kinds
Efficiency - Woody and Kari (and others on the team) have had to gear up to create a system that allows me to be well-cared for, yet stay on top of important ministry issues
Fighting off pains I'd never dreamed of
Garage bags can find very creative uses!
Hallitosis Usually my own!
Ideas While vomiting for three solid hours in the hospital, they tried every drug they could think of plus the nurses' brought me cotton balls soaked in alcohol. I wasn't sure quite what to do with them, but I sniffed them, just in case. (They didn't work, either!)
Jonathan Bird - We have never seen this bird, but it makes a fascinating chirp in the night and early AM. We named it after our grandson, because for a while Jonathan made a sound like that bird. I really like the Jonathan bird. (I really like Jonathan Ophus, too!)
Kathryn and Tascha Kieft. Our "nieces" who have joined ITeams stayed with us several days before they began to study Spanish in prep for going to Ecuador. You know you have to love nieces. You have no choice. If I had to choose, these two would hit the top of my list!
Lindsay and Chino - I cried over missing their wedding, but I am glad Woody got to go.
Morphine anyone? I get it regularly slow-release by mouth. I does no miracles. But, IT HELPS!
Night Nurse - We were able to hire one for 5 nights a week to help me and take the weight at night off Woody and Kari, allowing them to rest. What a help that's been, and the insurance company might actually pay for her salary! ($200 for 60 hours. Hmm... isn't that a little over $3 an hour??) It's a ministry opportunity as well. (Ask me about it!)
Out of Order (Me!) I feel like I am good for almost nothing. (Feel free to argue with me!) Typing takes me hours. This update, for example! I make tons of mistakes I'm constantly correcting. Like on this entry, I accidentally wrote, "I am goof for almost nothing."
Precious, precious, presence of Christ in our lives
Quiroga family continues to mean the world to us as they minister in Cochabamba, Bolivia and as our daughter Norma and her family Howard, Natatasha (who just turned 12!!!) and Adrian just re-joined them. Quirogas sent me an Eeyore stuffed animal and Eeyore and I are almost inseperable. Our eyes droop almost identically!
Rockford Files - Our taste in evening rerun shows indicate what a low level we have dropped to in trying to distract me during painful evenings.
Sleeping in the living room. There's no shower downstairs in our house. For a while we used Gustafsons' kiddie pool on the kitchen floor for a creative shower option! I'm able now to climb upstairs to shower once a day, sitting on a yard chair in the shower. Yay!
Tapioca is a GREAT medicine chaser. This idea is worth marketing!
Undergo - Just learned I must undergo some blood tests. We were JUST at the clinic (a long, painful trek) and now we'll have to return for bloodwork! Oh, phooey!
Versatis Patch- A new, creative medical idea I'm using. I wonder if it really works! It's a Lidocaine patch that is absorbed into the root nerve area that is most affected, causing pain.
Woody - Along with Kari, are my angels. They have become A#1 nurses! They both give shots, coordinate medicines, position me in bed, and do other tasks only nurses don't give a second thought about.
X-rays - Did you ever think about how HEAVY x-ray images are? If we have to take all my films, we'll have to be careful about the weight limit on our luggage!
Yarn - If only I could get enough focus to dive back in to a crochet project I'd really begun to enjoy in June!!
Zest- O, God, give me a zest for life, even when life seems pretty wretched. "Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint,; O Lord heal me, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in anguish. The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayers." Psalm 6:2,9

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Drab, Dull, Empty vs. Gleaming

What does it mean to be a true disciple? We talk and teach about this ALL the time. We choose to do that because JESUS did it!

Jesus seemed unable to keep out of other people's troubles. He grew tired carrying strangers' business. He was thankful to talk to people we would have thought rather impertinent.

My new favorite, AJ Gossip, wrote, "We know that that is life, real life, life as it should be lived. An yet we are not imitating it, not much, not closely, not where it would pinch. We can't be bothered; the cost is too heavy; always we keep slipping back into that old stupid fallacy that it is our life and, of course, intended primarily to be spent upon ourselves, and that those other people are a nuisance and an intrusion."

Browning would have called this life one that is drab and dull and empty business.

On the other hand, he DID say, "Only here or there will your eyes light on something that gleams out."

Oh, my! Which side of the discipleship fence do you sit on? And I? Drab, dull and empty vs. gleaming. Let's take a moment to think.

COS (Is that how you say "change of subject" nowadays?) I'm learning more about Tarlov cysts. I'll give you a fact a day.

TARLOV CYST FACT OF THE DAY: These several cysts I have in my sacrum hav probably eroded away more than ONE SQUARE INCH of my sacral report.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Against Your Puling Will

No, I did not misspell that. It is PULING. What does that mean? I had to look it up, and, I hate to say, I love what it means: whining, whimpering.

I'm good at whining and whimpering. I wish I WEREN'T, but I AM.

But, I came across yet more "bathroom gossip" that blew me away. (Excuse that phrase!) I'm reading a book of sermons by AJ Gossip. What a name! What a preacher!

What all can I tell you? There is so much to say!

First off, did you know that MichelAngelo's incredible creation painting of the two fingers touching includes a "shrinking, cowering figure, covering its head and in a passion of weeping."


"For if the story of mankind has been a glorious epic, through what toil and suffering and agony it has won its slow, desperate, upward way. That is what followed the touch of God's finger. And if He touches you??..."

In other words, part of creation is man working through difficulty. That is part of glorifying God. Oh, that I may do that today!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Yes, With My God - Two Nights in a Row!

God brought me wonderfully through another night. I'm sure it's not a night you would have enjoyed. For that reason, I will spare you the details. BUT, my night nurse/friend Ara was a wonderful help to me again. One miracle - NO PAIN!! Now, that's something I can't claim at the moment. I feel like a piece of angle iron accidentally got stuck in my gluteus maximus. But, that's all part of Tarlov Cyst Disease. Not fun, but with God's grace and a bit of slow release morphine, it's do-able!

Today I heard a saying I just love! "Whatever you do today, let it be enough."

Now, that's a great saying for one who just had her toenails painted by her friend Rachel and then took a nap!

I HAVE done a few more things. But, I'll close by saying,
"Be exalted in Your own strength!
We will sing and praise Your might! Psalm 21:13

"O God, may I rejoice always,
Pray without ceasing
And give thanks in all circumstances." 1 Thes. 5:16-18

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Strong and Courageous Two Nights in a Row?

Last night had to be one of THE worst! You don't want to know about it. Let me assure you. It did not involve much sleep, though God allowed precious gifts of that once in a while. The thought of “ER” occurred to me many times. But, we “gutted it out” and called the doc at the end of the miserable night. Things have calmed down, and I THANK GOD for that!!!

My verses of assurance today are,

"Hear, O Lord, and have pity on my! O Lord, be my helper!"

"Make music to praise the Lord, you faithful people who belong to Him. Remember His holiness by giving thanks."

"Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS! Don't be afraid or discouraged. For there is a power far greater on our side!" 2 Chron 32:3

Oh, for a night better than LAST night. I think God has made me strong and courageous, but not enough for two nights like that in a row!

HEY! Email me the names of some of the most influential books in your life in the past 20 years. I would love to check them out.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blogging my Way Through the Cysts

Some of you know "Cysts Happen," which is my new phrase. If you do not know the gist of what I'm going through, please look at

I NEVER can write long. I have pain and weakness. If I take a long nap, I can work for maybe 15 minutes.

Here's my thought for today - something I'm holding as precious day by day. It's from a sermon - an old, old one called "How to Face Life with Steady Eyes" by AJ Gossip

"I haven't much to leave you,' he said with a smile: 'but, there is one thing I can give no one else can, something that will keep you always steady, that lift you clean above anxiety and worry- better than that, that will make you a rallying-point at which others which had grown frightened and lost heart, suddenly sure of God again, and themselves bigger and better and braver because they have chanced on you will turn and face, with stout hearts, what had beaten them, and win.'

'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give onto you' The very strength of my own soul, the very calm of my own spirit, the very secret that has kept me steadfast among all my difficulties and temptations. I have done it because I have always known that I am not alone, but that the father is with me. And you too can count with confidence on this, that whatever befalls you, you will find him very near, that he will never forget and never fail but will always be there where you have need of him. And being sure of this you can go on to face valiantly.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cysts Happen!

All roads lead to Rome. Since being diagnosed with a large Tarlov cyst in the sacrum, I've discovered that many of my longstanding health issues actually are due to this one, stinking, aggressive cyst! Funny how something within my very own body could secretly erode away bone and stretch out its tentacles to press on one key nerve after another.

This has gone on for years and years. Sometimes I've gone to doctors about symptoms, but since they couldn't really see a REASON for a problem, they've responded with suggestions on how to manage one symptom or another. I have struggled with explaining my aches and pains and woes. People who know me well have often wondered why I get battered with one health problem after another. I've sometimes wondered if I'm a "Creative Hypochondriac!

But now, after many, many years of troubles, it's as if the cyst lifted its head to wink and say, "See all the havoc I've caused and you never knew I was even here!"

Sadly, the possibilities of getting some relief are limited. And, just to get an appointment for an assessment takes two months.

Now that the cyst has "come out," I am battling with symptoms which have ganged up and formed an effective offensive line. Though my doctors are on board and working with us, I'm finding it very difficult to take medicine that will take the edge off the pain but not leave me groggy and nauseated. So far, we haven't figured that out. So, if I end this blog entry with a bunch of jibberish, you can know that the pain medicine is turning my brain into mush.

You probably wouldn't want to know if I offered to tell you, all the ways the cyst is making its presence known. jklsjc,wuoivjks. djlsj.

I think that meamans I needs a arest. Pray for me as you recall the phrase, :Cysta Happen@"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

When the Wind is Blowing Hard...

"If we want to know whether a building will stand strong or not, we look at it when the wind is blowing hard." - Jonathan Edwards

Missionaries should write about good spiritual stuff... opening new ministries, sending out missionaries, investing in national leaders, caring for missionaries on the field, seeing people saved and making disciples.

But, what happens when the wind blows hard? Difficulties aren't always glamorous. Sometimes they are very personal. Sometimes they are minimal. Sometimes they are major. Sometimes they are the kind of things that words can't wrap themselves around. They don't make good "knee-mails." Then, what do we do?

Well, seriously, folks... that's the dilemma I face today. For me... for us... there are a few twists and turns in our journey that feel dramatic, and not in the fun sense of the word. As many of you know, I've wrestled with several health issues for a long time. Most recently I've had hip pain and other "system failures," which even required surgery... twice in the past six months. The surgeries were unsuccessful, and now we think we know why. When the "bursitis" in my hip didn't seem to improve and the symptoms spread to my other hip as well as my back and legs, my doctor here in Costa Rica ordered an MRI. It showed that I have a very unusual type of large cyst buried in my sacrum, possibly putting pressure on several key nerves.

We are happy that we might know the cause of many of my discomforts and dysfunctions, but it's also "unnerving" (forgive the pun!) that there are no easy answers. These have been times of prayer peppered with seasons of struggles to pray at all; sensing a closeness to God alternating with moments of crying out, "Where are You, God?" Both of us have had moments of sadness washing over us. But, we are also determined to trust God and step forward hand in hand through whatever those next steps will be.

We are so honored that many of you pray for us each day and are a vital part of all that God has been doing in us and through this ministry. We are still very involved in ministry, but at the same time going through a number of tests and seeing specialists while fighting pain and other very real health struggles. Now, we ask you to keep walking beside us during this difficult phase.

Pray for wisdom for the doctors and for us as we continue to learn and investigate in order to find the best help available. Pray for me as I get tired of pain, sleeping poorly, and experiencing other difficulties. Pray for the two of us as we walk through new territory together and as we lean harder than ever on HIM.

I'll close with a quote from a sermon that has recently impacted both of us, preached by AJ Gossip about 80 years ago.* In the sermon he makes reference to the character "Hopeful" from Pilgrim's Progress and also to Paul's penned words, "What can separate us from His love?" Not death, he says right away, pushing aside the most obvious of all impossibilities.

"For, standing in the roaring of the Jordan, cold to the heart with its dreadful chill, and very conscious of the terror of its rushing, I too, like Hopeful, can call back to you who one day in your turn will have to cross it, 'Be of good cheer, my brother, for I feel the bottom, and it is sound.'"

Don't worry... this new diagnosis is not life-threatening. But, it does feel a bit like we are standing in the cold rushing water, our toes scrabbling for the bottom, trusting it is sound.

*This is the sermon Gossip preached the week his wife died unexpectedly.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

My One Track Mind

The other night before we went to bed, I played for Woody a new song I really like. It's called, "I Just Can't Sleep" by the Tejas Brothers. Those who know me well know that I constantly have music running through my mind, and usually the songs are pretty "mindless." All night long (and most of the next day) that song ran over and over in my brain. "I just can't sleep with you runnin' 'round in my head."

The next morning I listened twice to a song that merits runnin' 'round in my head. It's a song by Jesus Adrian Romero called "Te Veo" or "I See You." Here's my rough translation of a few of the lines.

I see you in the moments of pain
I see you in the night
When the sun goes out in life
I see you in the light.
I see you in a smile and in love
I see you in my dreams.
I see your hand guiding me
You're always there.

I sense you in a hug, an expression.
You are so faithful and there's no reason
To doubt your heart.
I sense your hand on me.
I can feel your love and hear
Your words and your voice.
You are always faithful.

I won't translate the rest because it is so much more beautiful in Spanish. But, as I listened to the song I happened to be dressing Celeste's paw. She gets scrapes which seem to never heal. I've been working (with the help of Kari and Woody) to get her paw to heal - bathing, applying ointment, and wrapping it with Ace wrap. She often manages to get the wrap off and lick it raw again. During the night I don't know how many times she wakes me up with her busy, gigantic tongue. (Urban myth: dog saliva heals wounds more quickly.) She really dislikes having her paw dressed, but she loves my affection. So, I try to work more on showing affection than on treating her paw, gradually getting the wound care done almost without her realizing it. She just loves the feel of my hand on her.

So, as I listened to the above song, caring for my dog in her "woundedness" with my faithful hand and her trust in me and my heart's intentions, I thought of our God. I don't care for Him dressing my chronic wounds either. But, if it's His faithful hand, I won't complain.

By the way, I'm determined to listen to "Te Veo" over and over and see if I can change my one-track mind... and maybe sleep better tonight as well! ("I Just Can't Sleep" isn't exactly a lullaby!)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Doe the Nexte Thynge

"Do you find... your soul is scorched, terribly aware of your inadequacies, fearful of what is to come? Since God is still in heaven and His steadfast Word declares His love for you, just carry on and do the next thing. Take the next step of obedience. Do you worry how your children will turn out, what the future will hold for your church, how the finances will look at the end of the month? Resist the allure of self pity, and just take the next step of obedience. We are typically given enough grace just for the next step. Fret not about what lies around the bend. Perform faithfully the next step, and we will make it home safely in the end." - RAY VAN NESTE

This poem is often quoted by Elisabeth Elliot, but today I dedicate it to my mom who often tells me, "Do the next thing."

From an old English parsonage down by the sea
There came in the twilight a message to me;
Its quaint Saxon legend, deeply engraven,
Hath, it seems to me, teaching from Heaven.
And on through the doors the quiet words ring
Like a low inspiration: “DOE THE NEXTE THYNGE.”

Many a questioning, many a fear,
Many a doubt, hath its quieting here.
Moment by moment, let down from Heaven,
Time, opportunity, and guidance are given.
Fear not tomorrows, child of the King,
Thrust them with Jesus, doe the nexte thynge.

Do it immediately, do it with prayer;
Do it reliantly, casting all care;
Do it with reverence, tracing His hand
Who placed it before thee with earnest command.
Stayed on Omnipotence, safe ‘neath His wing,
Leave all results, doe the nexte thynge

Looking for Jesus, ever serener,
Working or suffering, be thy demeanor;
In His dear presence, the rest of His calm,
The light of His countenance be thy psalm,
Strong in His faithfulness, praise and sing.
Then, as He beckons thee, doe the nexte thynge.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another Angel! This One Named Rick Singleton

Written on May 16th...

There is more than one angel driving a rental car shuttle bus. (See previous blog entry!) Today's angel was named Rick.

After a 3 hour drive to the Dallas airport this morning, I was feeling a bit tired and discouraged. I had to drop Woody off at the airport with all our heavy bags. I, personally, had to take back the rental car, since it was rented in my name. As I walked slowly and painfully to the shuttle bus stop, the driver saw me approaching. He walked out to help me, looked at me, and said, "You are so beautiful!"

I know I looked at him a bit strangely, wondering if he was really talking to me and if that is what he really said! He looked straight in my eyes and said once more, "I just HAVE to tell you that you look so beautiful!"

He kindly helped me in to the bus after we exchanged a few words. After the drive to Terminal D in Dallas, he wanted to help me find my husband. We couldn't figure a way he could possibly help me at that point. He offered me his cell phone to connect with Woody, but, sadly, I hadn't brought Woody's phone number along with me. Rick was sincerely apologetic, not wanting to leave me alone. I told him, "Don't worry. You've brought me joy this morning."

He said, "Oh, ma'am! I am SO glad, because I ask the good Lord each morning to allow me to be His light to someone in my day, and I knew He wanted me to bless you."

I asked him his name. "Rick Singleton, ma'am." When he, in turn, asked my name, he sighed with pleasure. "Susan! That is like a name from heaven!"

Once again, it was obvious he wasn't looking for a tip. He was just being God's special envoy for the day.

An Angel Named Jeff Andy

Written on May 12th...

Yesterday I ran into at least four angels. One was named Jeff Andy.

Isn’t that an interesting name for an angel?

As I stepped on the shuttle bus to go rent a car at the Dallas airport, the driver commented to me, “I’m a spiritual man.”

I was the first one on the bus, but as we made that short trip, Jeff Andy and I made friends and discovered that we were in the same spiritual family. The whole drive, even as the bus filled, the conversation everyone overheard was centered on our love of God. When he let me off, he said, “I’m not supposed to do this, but I cannot let you haul that luggage in to the center. I’ll take it for you. AND, can I pray for you?”

He was not looking for a tip. He was looking above.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Like Frogs to Dogs Blog

You’ve probably all heard of the poison dart frogs that are found in Costa Rica. They really are fascinating. We’ve seen many of them - both in the wild as well as in “frog gardens” found throughout the country. They are much smaller than you might imagine. Most of them are only about an inch long. They are very colorful. One, often called the “blue jean frog” has dark blue lower legs and a bright red upper body... almost like a tiny frog wearing a cute outfit of jeans and a teeshirt. They are not nearly as poisonous as you might imagine. Tour guides often pick them up and let tourists hold them. If you handle them too much, they can cause skin irritation. But, you’ll get nowhere near to dying!

We have another type of frog here that we see much more commonly. Unlike the bullfrogs I grew up around, they have a dull brown skin. Unlike other frogs I’ve known, these can grow to be the size of a Frisbee. We’ve seen them that big! Unlike poison dart frogs, these big, dull, slow frogs can be lethal. To dogs, at least. We’ve had at least one dog on campus meet its demise from these frogs.

Only recently did I learn another fascinating thing about these poisonous creatures. Before I tell you, let me introduce you to Beckham. Beckham is our neighbor’s dog, and I have to admit I don’t like him. He’s not friendly. He has nipped at me more than once and outright bit one young woman. Even after seeing me every day for two years, he still used to bark and growl and make threatening advances every time he saw me. Finally one day when he came at me, I grabbed his snout, held it firmly and told him, “Never, NEVER do that to me again!”

He tried the next day, and I repeated the same action. Now, if he barks at me, I only have to say, “Beckham!” And he knows who is boss.

So far Beckham has almost died twice from eating poisonous frogs. He’s had to spend nights on IV’s at the vet hospital. The second time he almost died, the vet explained that the frog acts as a hallucinogenic. Though a dog can die from the “drug,” once it’s survived the experience, it craves another high. It’s likely Beckham will one day day of a frog overdose. (I’m not sure I’ll grieve the loss.)

We are a bit like Beckham. I trust you are nicer than he. I’m sure I am! But, being the sinful human beings we are, we tend to run back to the same God-dishonoring behaviors that kill us. I know what a few of my “frogs” are. What are yours?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday '90's Rap

Here's a "rap song" I wrote when we were working with kids and youth in Louisiana. Can you believe it? ME?!? Writing a rap song?

Long ago took place such an awesome event,
It left an impression like a print in cement.
Jesus and His disciples walked with sights set
On the city of Jerusalem near Mt. Olivet.

Jesus called two disciples in Luke, it is told,
"God into the village and find me a colt!
There in the town, man, you'll find a colt tied
On which no one has sat or even gone for a ride.

"And if a dude tells you, 'Hey, let that colt be!'
Say, 'Don't have a cow! The Master sent me!'"

They went and untied it. (The owners chilled out.)
They said, "The Lord needs it," and they turned and headed out.

They piled up their jackets. The colt marched down the track,
And headed into town with the Lord on his back.
And as he was going, people threw on the roads,
All kinds of garments, from coats to Girbauds.

When I tell you what happened, don't think me a fool.
There were masses of people, it was totally cool!
The whole crowd of people began to praise God.
Everyone in the 'hood shout with voices so loud!

"We've seen the Messiah! This man is the King!
In the name of the Lord, His praises we sing!
Peace in the heavens and glory on earth!
He gives sight to the blind and talks of new birth!"

The Pharisee dudes felt they had to make a stand.
"Listen Jesus," they said, "This crowd's gettin' outta hand.
Tell your disciples to take a chill pill,
To pick up their jackets and head back up the hill.

He answered and said, "I tell you no doubt,
"If these become silent, the rocks will cry out!"

Thursday, April 07, 2011

When Things Get Bad...

When things get bad, they might get worse!

That was the encouraging message I heard preached at our church last Sunday.

Look at the story of Jairus in Luke 8:40-56. Jairus came to Jesus on one of His busier days (we aren’t the only busy ones!), pleading, probably crying, humiliating himself - a prominent synagogue leader - in front of everyone. His only daughter was dying. His only hope was Jesus.

But, what happens at just that moment? Someone else barges in front of him! (Don’t you just hate it when that happens?!?) All attention turns to the woman with chronic bleeding who touched Jesus’ garment. Jairus’ situation looked bleak, but it was about to turn “bleaker.” Just then someone from Jairus’ household shows up to say, “Don’t bother the Master any longer. It’s too late. She’s dead.”

How can a heart that is at rock bottom manage to sink further? Well, Jairus’ did. That was it. All hope was gone.

But, Jesus overheard! He hadn’t forgotten the man’s pleas. He turned to Jairus with the words, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Now, how in the world could Jairus take heart from those words of the Master? Yet, not only was Jairus called upon to do just that, but we, also, are called on to do the same! When our situation goes from bad to worse to even worse yet, He says to us, “I have not forgotten you. Step aside. I am big enough to handle this. Despair, disease, and death are all under My control. Don’t fear. Only believe.”

My goodness, but Jairus was called on to believe!! Believe when his daughter was already obviously dead? Believe when all his neighbors and family laughed at him? But, Jesus knew what He was doing. He had the impossible covered.

He has your impossible covered.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Holding the Captain's Hand

I confess. I recently held a man’s hand, and it wasn’t Woody’s.

Don’t worry. He knows about it. And he’s cool with it.

Here’s how it came about. As many of you know, we recently hosted an International Teams Latin America Regional Conference in Cartagena, Colombia. About half of the attendees opted for an afternoon snorkel trip in the Rosario Islands. Our group got a great deal on the outing because of connections through Jerry and Barb Manderfield, ITeams missionaries in Medellin. They are friends with a man who has served for years as a captain of a large ship. The captain arranged for a boat and crew with two powerful 200hp motors to take us out to the islands. The boat was not that large... we were just able to squeeze the 27 of us on it. But, boy! Could it fly!

We all boarded and donned our life jackets. One of the crew suggested I find a seat towards the center of the boat. I should have taken the hint. Instead, I happily perched on the bench at the far front. It was a wild ride! For 40 minutes we sped across the heaving seas, the front of the boat surging up before violently slamming down again and again and again! Thankfully, I had taken Bonine and didn’t get sea sick. There were times when I could swear I got compression fractures from the violent pounding.

We were all awfully glad when we got to the snorkel area. I would like to say it was some of the best snorkeling we’ve experienced, but there were some fairly inexperienced swimmers along, and Woody and I felt a bit like sheep dogs with flippers, trying to herd in the flock, doing all within our power to avoid a phone call to inform a loved one that their missionary son or daughter drowned at the conference!

I thought myself very smart when we boarded the boat once again for the ride back to shore. Instead of the pitching, tossing, and reeling front seat, I chose a more stable spot in the back. I sat beside Mike Timmer, a missionary to Bolivia. We were facing the side of the boat on a small, slippery fiberglass bench. We took off like a rocket, the Captain’s assistant roaring all 400 horsepower to life. As the boat lurched to life, I almost slid off the edge of the bench . Desperate, I grabbed for anything available. Mike’s knee was the only handhold I could find. I shouted to his wife, “Sorry, Bonnie! I’m holding your husband’s knee and there is no way I can let go if I want to stay on the boat!!” (I’m pretty sure his knee had five Susan-finger-sized bruises after the trip!)

The ocean seemed determined to make its power known to the four of us in the far back port corner. It was like sitting in front of a saltwater power washer. I swear I was wetter on board than I had been while snorkeling! As I spluttered and gasped, still hanging on for dear life to Mike’s knee with my left hand, the Captain reached over with his bronzed hand and firmly gripped my other hand. While everything else seemed to be in a state of salty commotion, the Captain’s hand was the only thing that remained firm.

The rest of the trip was filled with screams and laughs and plenty of saltwater. My left hand stayed clutched Mike’s knee and my right was in the Captain’s grip right to the end of the trip.

I take three things away from that trip:

A stiff neck.
A great story.
And an unforgettable lesson to put my hand in the Captain’s when the ride gets rough.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Think Twice!

Do not take revenge, my friends…
Overcome evil with good. Romans 12:19, 21

If you are a "good Christian" like me, you probably don’t really think you need to focus too much on God’s command to not take revenge. But, think twice!

The other day I was trying to concentrate in a “quiet zone” of the airport and two men had been drinking a bit too much and were loud, boisterous, trying to impress one another as well as everyone else. Finally, I kindly asked if they could move to another area. Their response was to laugh loudly and ask, “Are WE making too much NOISE? Are WE making too much NOISE? Ha, ha, ha!” My reply to this was not exactly ungodly, but it certainly did not fall into the category of “overcoming evil with good!”

Monday, January 31, 2011

God's Whispers

This morning as Woody and I participated in the Youth World Annual Conference we watched a DVD with Bill Hybels speaking about leadership. His message challenged us to hear and respond to the whispers of God.

At times I don't think we expect God to speak to us. We need to change those expectations, adjust our antennae, and do all in our power to hear and to heed His voice. Our smartest moves come from promptings from the Spirit, not from our own wisdom.

Over the past year I've seen God work through nudging me. Among the whispers I've heard: "Buckle up!" "Just pray." "Listen well." "Be quiet for at least a minute." "Love her well." "Write a note to them." God's recent whispering to Woody included: "Make sure what others get from you comes from the Word and lifts up Jesus." (Funny how God seems to speak to Woody in longer phrases!))

Think about ways God has been whispering to you. Take a moment to write and tell me your story.